704-284-7444 info@b2sb.org

The following opportunities exist to serve to prep for the Back to School BASH the week of July 8th.     If you are interested in serving, click the signup links below:

Tuesday 7/9/19:

  • Time:  9:30am
  • Where: Mooresville Middle School
  • What
    • Move elementary into appropriate rooms
    • Unpack school supplies
    • Sort 
    • Fold and sort clothes 
    • Sort for appropriate ages
    • Boy/Girl 
    • Sizes 
    • Count shoes for each size 
    • School Supplies
    • Clothes
    • Books 
    • Shoes
  • Duration: 2-3 hours



Wednesday 7/10/19:

  • Time: 9:30 am
  • Where: Mooresville Middle School
  • What:
    • Set up tables 
    • Put out table cloths 
    • Set out bookbags on tables
    • Take all old boxes and cardboard and break them down and put them in the dumpster
    • Bookbags
    • Cardboard clean up 
  • Duration: 2-3 hours


Thursday 7/11/19:

  • Time: 9:30am
  • Where: Mooresville Middle School
  • What:
    • Finish sorting 
    • Set out tables in the hallway for SS distribution 
    • Clothes
    • Tables
    • Unload water 
  • Duration: 3-4 hours


Friday 7/12/19:

  • Time: 9:30am
  • Where: Mooresville Middle School
  • What:
    • Take 8 lunch tables to the gym and set out for foot washing
    • Hang up curtains in gym
    • Decorate Gym
    • Put out all table cloths
    • Put SS out distributed on tables 
    • Shoes/Gym
    • Move all carts/buggies/transportation things into room 120 (Staff Development Room)
    • Decorate
  • Duration: 4-5 hours